The social media revolution is passing some people by and it’s no surprise really. There are lots of facts and fiction about what social media can do for your business. And many folks are thinking about how they should kick start their social media programme or are looking at social media training. So why is managing it in-house your best bet.
#1. Less Costs
First things first – it costs a lot less. By the time you pay your social media specialist’s initial fee and ongoing monthly bill, you’d have spent a fair bit of money. These specialists certainly know their stuff but all we are saying is it’s one way to keep your costs down. Let social media training be your first priority!
#2. Know your customers
More importantly perhaps is the person you now have doing your social media. If they’re in-house, they know the business, they know the customers and they know how to build successful connections with customers. Social media is just one way of doing this.
#3. Chinese whispers
Chinese whispers have been the downfall of many a consultant. Keeping it in-house means no one gets mixed up, no one isn’t sure what you mean…everyone knows the basics of your business.
#4. Time
Another thing about dealing with a social media guru is time. By the time you’ve briefed them and told them what you want to put online, you’d have done it yourself!
#5. Speediness
Be dynamic – when something happens in your industry, you’re ready to pounce and ensure your social media management is taking advantage of the latest news story or industry development. So instead of hearing… ‘yep, I’ll get to that next week’…you get it done now.
#6. Your brand, your personality
Never underestimate the value of your brand’s tone and personality. An outsider looking in may have a good idea of it but they won’t know it like you do. When you’re in control of your social media, the tone is spot on every time.
#7. Connections
So much about social media in business is about making connections. And when people make an effort to connect with you on social media, the least you can do is to be there to connect with them – in person. If you’re in control of your social media, you’ll also know who you want to connect with and why – there and then!
Social media in business is not hard. It’s not easy either though and if you’re a newbie, it will take you a little time getting your head around it but at least you know that if you’re in control – you’ll get it done!
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