Tell me more about InHiro?
We’re a spin-off project by the largest webhosting provider in Slovakia (WebSupport) and our mission is simple: we help companies find heroes.
How did you come up with the idea for the app and business?
It started as our own internal tool – we tried hiring new colleagues through traditional job boards, but the results were just sad. So we created a job ad of our own and soon enough, got a massive response. The ad was shared and tweeted and we got over a hundred CVs within a few days. We thought that it might work for other companies just like it worked for us, and that’s when we launched InHiro.
How does it work?
We believe that in order to attract the best candidates, you need to prove that your company is worthy. So with InHiro, forget about using boring bullet points. You’re able to create an attractive job ad with photos, text areas and some clever interactive mechanisms.
Then we have the Social X-Ray, which scans all incoming applications and automatically creates a user profile (we look for social media links, profile photos, CVs and other attachments). It’s easy to manage a database of talent for future hiring, so you don’t have to browse through your old email folders 🙂 We also offer sharing stats and analytics.
What advantages does InHiro have over recruitment methods such as online jobs boards?
We focus on passive hiring – the best candidates already have good jobs, and don’t browse job boards. With InHiro, we try to get to these people through their friends and contacts on social networks. Also, job boards are too boring and restricting in many ways. We bring more creativity to your ad!
What have you been doing to get the word out?
We haven’t really started with marketing yet 🙂 We tried to participate in a few startup competitions to get a little media coverage. We’ve won StartupAwards SK and made it to the finals of European Venture Summit (Top 10 out of 700 applicants) – and got great feedback so far. But then again, we believe that making a great product is the best marketing you can do. In fact, many of our current customers came through existing InHiro job ads of other companies.
You are based in Slovakia – what is it like to be a technology company in Slovakia?
It’s like running a business anywhere else. It has some pros and exactly the same number of cons 🙂 We’re based in Europe, but we do have global ambitions. InHiro is a SaaS tool, so as long as your web is up and running, it doesn’t matter where you’re physically based.
It appears that InHiro is getting recognition both in Slovakia and further afield. Tell us about that?
As the designer, I’d say it must be thanks to the awesome design! (haha!)
You see, we might have caused an “Of-course-why-haven’t-we-thought-about-that?!” kind of thing. I think that recruiters both in Slovakia and abroad face similar problems and we’ve offered them a painkiller.
Technology, & digital in particular, is having a big effect on recruitment. What trends do you see over the next 5 years?
The HR software market alone is estimated at USD 14bn. There’s been a great change in how people perceive not only hiring, but employment alone. The Generation Y or the Millennials want to have fun, want to work for great companies. It’s not about finding a job anymore, the job has to find the right talent. So it’s only natural that companies have to use new, smarter tools. Social networks and creativity play a huge role already, so we’ll probably see new techniques which cleverly combine both.
And finally, what advice would you give other entrepreneurs who believe they have great idea for an app?
Create an MVP, may it be bootstrapped and shitty looking, get it out as soon as possible and validate the idea with some numbers. Does it get any users (including your mom)? Get feedback (excluding your mom), continue building.
Many thanks to Lucia for telling us about InHiro.
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