Content has always been a strategic approach towards lead generation. Owning a website or having an online business is all about building more traffic which is possible only through a customer’s relevant content. The better your site’s content, the higher the traffic on your website and higher chances of user engagement. It is pretty obvious to ensure quality content in order to add value to the site and here are some tips that helps you understand how to do it.
Wondering how your peers are more popular on the search engines? How they have more visits on their sites and are wildly successful with constant high engagement rates? The answer is, through highly sharable content and fact based images as they speak the best. But do you know who likes them more than your readers, customers, leads? Marketers. Websites like are only based on image sharing and gets more and more visitors per day. It has become the no. 1 image sharing website for all.
Viewers and markets embrace visual and fact based content more than anything that doesn’t make sense or doesn’t relate well to the content. Factual content is processed 50,000 times faster by the brain than a general text. People respond well and the site attracts more inbound links than just plain text.
If you are looking for loyal website visitors, readers and marketers to share your content on their Twitter channels without any difficulty then all you need is ClicktoTweet. It creates tweetable links rather than learning the entire process of custom coding to embed your content.
- You can have access to it through its website or simply download a browser plug-in.
- Users then can create a customized tweet, and the site then generates an embedded link which can be further shared giving a boost to your content.
#3. Link Your Main Content from the Home Page
The main content is not usually the content on the homepage. Web users ideally browse the search engines with a keyword, sub-lists, navigation links, corporate icons and other key elements before actually reaching the main content. Without any kind of bypassing the huge list of links, some readers are at a disadvantage of missing the main content. Use tools like Open Site Explorer to know your most performing pages in the website and link them from the homepage.
However the solution is quite simple enough. Link the main content to the home page somewhere in the page which takes the user down to the target or anchor page. There are other ways to accomplish this goal, results may vary:
- Make the link invisible
- Make it invisible till it reaches keyboard focus
- Place visible links at the top of the home page
- Place visible links anywhere it suits you
When placing a link on your homepage, use text that stands out and makes the link visible. Quotes like “click here” is not at all descriptive and futile for web users. Use descriptive text that properly explains what exactly you are trying to represent.
For example, if you have a multi-city or multi-brand website and have pages for every city or brand, then you might link them from the homepage as Moverscorp and Coupon Machine are linking their served cities and brands from the homepage. This enables the user to quickly find what they are looking for. It also helps search engines to find the critical pages for indexing as well.
#4. Ask Questions and Seek Opinion from Your Audience
It is easy to write the content for a site however the difficult part is to make it attractive and user engaging. You might have the best written piece of content on your site but it is a complete waste if it cannot keep your audiences connected. A relatively simple solution is to approach your audiences with curiosity and confidence.

Your content shouldn’t just go on and on and on about what your products and services are or what you have to offer. Consider what your audiences are looking for, plan an interactive content using questions to make your audiences wonder.
An online survey can keep them engaged but make sure the questions are not an annoying questionnaire that people generally tend to avoid. Focus on the benefits to the audience and enliven your content with videos and images illustrating your presentation.
There are lots of popular question/answer websites where you can interact with your potential customers or visitors. I personally use to know my customers. This website will help you to know what your potential customers are thinking.
#5. Make Your Content Easy to Scan Through – Use Bullets and Numbering
Content is precious and you can attract the right audience by placing your content correctly. You strive hard to make a content piece, carefully proofread it and finally publish but what happens next? No one reads it.
No comments, no likes, no tweets, no sharing.

The fault is not with the content, it is about placing it right. Writing less and styling the text to make it easier to read could hold more attention and attract more readers. the web is full of impatient searchers and it takes a fraction of a second to click. If the information is not found, you look elsewhere. Make your content easy to scan through by making use of bullets and numbering.
- It creates fascination that no one can resist
- Visual break is easy to grasp and people find small lines interesting to read than a whole bunch of black letters
- It is an easily scannable way to bring together multiple points.
- Shows level of sequencing or importance
You can use tool like Readability to judge your content quality and enhance it better with recommendation.
Images: Author’s Own
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