You can do all sorts of wonderful things on your website that will benefit your business, and most importantly your customers. More than ever they provide a chance to really sell yourself and with technology ever-evolving there are always new ways and features that your site can really benefit from.
And they’re easier than ever to implement too. There are tons of sites online that allow you to build websites quickly and easily, even if you’re a complete novice to web design and development. Website builders such as Duda are trusted by thousands of agencies SaaS platforms, widely thanks to their simplicity and the number of features that can be added to sites across all industries.
Of course, some features are more obvious than others, but you’d still be surprised by the number of websites that fail to include the likes of contact forms, for example, which are a real staple of any site offering good user experience these days.
But what are the website features you should have on your site that you may not possibly have?
It’s all well and good telling potential customers how great your services or products are. Of course you are going to do that. What makes that sentiment more believable, however, are testimonials.
There are multiple ways you can integrate customer reviews and feedback into your website. A dedicated testimonials page is always a great option for businesses providing a service, while product-based businesses can integrate rating widgets, which allow people who have bought the product to rate it and leave reviews.
Naturally, in order for these to encourage purchases, you do need good products to receive positive reviews, but if you start receiving them, it can be an incredibly useful feature to get sales over the line.
If your business has physical stores and you’re not integrating maps into your website, then this should be your first port of call. It’s incredibly simple to integrate Google Maps into your website these days and it offers a much more visual understanding of where you are located.
While you should display the address, or addresses, textually, allowing people to drop street names and postal codes into a sat nav, plotting your locations on a map will allow people to understand where your stores are near, any significant landmarks, and nearby parking, enabling them to plan a visit to you much more efficiently.
Live Chat
Live Chat has been proven to significantly increase both sales and customer satisfaction. Most businesses will have it as a main point of contact for customers these days, and it is considered one of the most efficient ways to service any customer queries.
There are dozens of live chat software widgets and companies out there, using AI to answer questions, while others can be human operated, although resource would be required for this.
Galleries are becoming more and more engaging and there are tons of interactive and beautiful gallery concepts available to integrate into websites today. For product pages especially, these are more and more important, with the ability to zoom and move through the images swiftly, while also adding 3D imagery that can be rotated to get a full view of the product is also providing better customer service than ever before.
It essentially allows users to get a better understanding and view of a product before ordering, and thus less likely to return an order.
Author Pages/Who Are You
Most businesses will have an About Us page, but using them effectively is something a large number of businesses don’t do, especially small businesses. One of the biggest assets any business has is the people behind them, and showing a human side will always benefit the business.
There are a few ways in which this can be done. Firstly, your About Us page should include a meet the team, with further information, images, quotes etc. about the people who do the heavy lifting around the company. Meanwhile, if your business has a blog, you can also integrate about the author profiles which will allow people to find out more about staff members, their personalities, and their expertise.
Contact Form
Some brands can be quite lazy when it comes to their contact pages. In fact, many even leave as little information on there so it’s harder to be contacted. While this will leave you with less correspondence to catch up on, it will also damage the reputation of your business.
While it’s important to include a telephone number and email address on your contact page, it is also incredibly important to included a contact form, giving people the opportunity to get in touch, quickly, effectively and hassle-free. There are multiple reasons why you should include a contact form, from simply making your site look professional to generating more leads, so don’t skip out on this handy feature.