As most Twitter users know there is a new design for the Web based Twitter being rolled out over the next few weeks. Some like it some don’t. Personally I do like it. For those using Twitter before it’s probably simple enough to understand however for people coming to Twitter for the first time it can be a bit daunting. Hopefully this post will help explain the new layout and how to use it simply.
A – Search box
You can search for anything you may think people are talking about on Twitter and see all the tweets together to follow the conversations. Eg. #Xfactor, #Obama, #Twineup. Just use the search box at the top for what you are looking for then click to save the search. This is useful for finding people with common interests to you too and you can follow them.
B – Home, Profile, Messages
Home brings you back to your homepage, as in the picture above, from wherever you are on your Twitter page.
You can click on your Profile which is what everyone else can see when they want to know who and what you are about.
Messages are what we used to call “Direct Messages” which are private messages between you and another person. No one else can see these messages. You have the option to send a message or reply to someone there too.
C – Tweet sign, Your Avatar
At the top right there is a square with a pencil in it – click on this and you can tweet from whatever page you are on within your Twitter.
The Avatar and your twitter name button let’s you logout or go into your settings and change your profile, avatar, email, password etc.
D – What’s Happening? – Type your tweet here
E – Mentions, Retweets, Searches, Lists
Mentions – This is where you will see all the people that are tweeting to you or have mentioned you in their tweets.
Retweets – this now has the option to see tweets that have been Retweeted so they may be worth a look at; your tweets that have been Retweeted and also those that you have Retweeted.
Searches – use this button to see your saved searches and conversations you are interested in (from A)
Lists – you can create a new list of people you follow, eg, those that are local to you; those that have the same interests as you; those who contribute to Bloggertone. It will also show Lists that you follow and the Lists that you are included in. (See I also)
F – Timeline
In the Timeline are the tweets of people you are following – you need to refresh your page to update it. If you hover your cursor over a tweet you are given the option to Favourite the tweet, Retweet it or Reply. If you click on the small arrow on the right hand side it opens up with the details of that Tweet; who has retweeted it, replies to the tweet and also recent tweets from that person. If you click on the Twitter Name you will see details of that person – followers, following, profile and recent tweets. At the top right you will see a button with what looks like a wheel on it. You can use this to reply to that person, block them or report them if you think they are sending spam.
G – Your latest Tweet.
H – You can see how many people are following you and who you are following.
I – Favourites are Tweets that you have liked so you’ve Favourited them.
J – See the lists you are included in.
K – Trends
These are topics currently being most talked about on Twitter.
L – Who to Follow
This suggests people for you to follow – you can browse your interests or search for friends here too.
I hope this is simple to understand and please let me know anything I’ve missed. You can follow me on Twitter @_Sians. I’m all tweeted out now 🙂