There’s no denying the amount of interest in green matters. Just today I spied two new companies in the areas of green graffiti removal and water effiency. As an environmental student myself, I’m faced with the daily tutorials that depict and highlight a world on the verge of change.
So how is it that despite all the environmental publicity, are we still failing to swap black for green and embrace green marketing?
I’ve come to the conclusion that there are a number of reasons and have drawn attention to – in my opinion – the top three:
1) We don’t have suffient funds to incorporate green marketing into our company’s plans. By considering this factor in products, we would need to edit all of our documentation and marketing material. This is an unneccesary high-cost option.
2) Our staff are unsure of green marketing practices and have enough to worry about without adding something else to the equation
3) We are only one company, so the effect of us not employing green guidelines is minimal.
All valid and understandable points I grant you, so instead of stressing the urgency case or reprimanding – I’m going to list ways in which companies can invite green marketing into their company without losing sleep.
First off, lets make a list of all the ways a company is green:-
– energy saving lightbulbs
– Recycling
– Turning off computers etc after use
– Double-glazed windows
– Turning down the thermostat
– Not printing off every email
– Using recycled paper
– Investing in quality products with long-life value
– Work with companies commited to green values
– Decreased company travel
– Low CO2 emission company cars
As social media and press releases are free, lets use these mediums to write about what a company does thats ‘green’.
Why not work out your carbon footprint and look at how the ways above have reduced it.
Consider carbon offsetting, which is where you offset one activity against another to keep at the same level.
There are plenty of sources available that will educate you on ways to be green, along with green-inspired projects
TUI Travel
which you can comment on and apply to your own company.
Discuss these on your website BLOG and link to any news articles published. Interact with others on the subject and show your commitment.
By being green you are making a valuable contribution to the future of the planet. Remember you are not one, but one of many, and the more companies that invest in green activity, the more that will follow.
Also remember that being green is the way forward and that it is only a matter of time before extensive taxes are introduced to encourage environmental and sustainable practices.
How many companies or sole traders are using green practices and what are they?