Growth hacking refers to the implementation of cost-effective techniques and strategies to expedite business growth. Examples of such are the use of social media, search engine optimization, and A/B testing, to name a few.
These tactics are unlike your traditional marketing campaigns such as radio and television ads, which need a high capital from businesses to buy said spaces. Tactics under growth hacking don’t cost as much but help businesses achieve their goals at the same speed.
Growth hacking is most prevalent among bloggers who strive to make the most out of the resources at their disposal to reach their goals. Since they are working with a shoestring budget, it makes the most sense for them to use these techniques so they can achieve increased traffic and sales at an efficient rate.
Since growth hacking requires ingenuity and creativity on the part of the blogger, this makes the entire process fun in a challenging way. As publishers first, bloggers build their online business by creating content that their target audience will want to read.
Below are growth hacking suggestions in their quest to create great content for their blogs.
Use blog title generators
If you’re burned out from coming up with blog ideas and topics, use blog title generator tools. These will help you brainstorm for topics in the most creative way possible. What this tool does is generate a made-up title by just a click of a button using your chosen keyword.
Some of the title suggestions may be too obscure or obnoxious for your blog. But you can choose from the many title suggestions or run another search using a similar keyword until you find the best one for your blog. This helps cut down your research and just get inspiration from the moment when the title pops up from your screen.
If these tools don’t work to your liking, there are lots of other ideas for your blog that you can use to create content from.
How to do this:
- Use any of the blog title generator sites from the link above. For this example, let’s choose HubSpot’s Blog Topic Generator.
- Enter a maximum of three (3) keyword phrases to be spun into article topics for your blog and click on the ‘Give Me Blog Topics!’ button.
- The site will return five (5) blog topics that you can use for the entire week. If you’re not satisfied with the results, you can click on the ‘Try Again’ button and repeat the process until you found the best topics that you can write and publish on your blog.
- Even after countless times, you may still be unable to get your desired article topic for your blog. In this case, take the liberty to choose the most interesting titles the site has generated and tweak them into the best possible article for your blog.
- Schedule the posts in your editorial calendar so you won’t run out of article topics to publish on your blog.
Create roundup posts
There are great blog posts written within or adjacent to your niche that will benefit your readers if they get to read them. Take this opportunity to feature them by way of publishing a weekly roundup post. This lets you show awesome content that your readers ought to read aside from the ones published in your blog.
An example of such is the #TYBCommunity Round-Up. It lists down great content published twice a week from third-party sites as well as their own.
The advantage of doing this is the ability of delivering relevant content to your readers to increase their engagement with your blog and build more loyal readers.
How to do this:
- There are different approaches on how to create roundup posts for your blog. A good method is by creating a Feedly account and include all the RSS feeds of the most helpful and informative blogs within your industry. Create a collection of feeds that you will use to create your roundup posts for easy reference.
- Before the week ends, visit Feedly and check out the feeds of the blogs and take out the best ones you wish to feature on your blog.
- Write a 2-3 sentence description for each blog article you will feature explain why your visitors should read the post.
- To add more articles to feature on your roundup posts, visit BuzzSumo and find the most viral and shared content within the week using your target keyword.
Build better posts out of existing ones
Referred to as the Skyscraper Technique, this lets you create great content from the ones that have been published by other blogs. This technique involves using different tools to mine and research great content about your topic and using your research to write an even greater post. Once published, the technique also includes the sharing of content to your target audience to maximize views.
This has been a tried and tested strategy used by bloggers. The idea of writing long-from and highly concentrated content about a specific topic may prove to be better than publishing thin content days away from each other.
How to do this:
- Go to BuzzSumo and find the most shared articles of your blog topic. Save the URLs of the best articles in a spreadsheet.
- Go to Open Site Explorer and search the backlinks of the most shared articles. Visit the most relevant backlinks of each article and find the site’s contact details (email address or ‘Contact Us’ page). Save the backlinks and their corresponding contact details in the same spreadsheet.
- Using the articles from BuzzSumo, create an even bigger and better content.
- Once the post has been created, reach out to the sites with a backlink to the most shares articles you researched for and ask them to link back to your much better content instead!
Final thoughts
These simple but proven blog creation content ideas will help you reach your goals of higher traffic and conversion rates. Keep in mind that there are other equally effective way to guide you in publishing content for your blog, but the three mentioned above should help you get started.
Images: Authors own
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An outstanding title can increase tweets, Facebook Likes, and visitor traffic by 50% or more. Generate great titles for your articles and blog posts with the Tweak Your Biz Title Generator.