Generation Y, also known as the Millennial Generation, Generation Next or Net Generation. Characteristics of this generation vary by region, depending on social and economic conditions.
However, it is generally marked by an increased use and familiarity with communications, media, and digital technologies. Is your business engaging online with Gen Y? Do you have a presence to attract students, graduates-the possible future hire of your company?
It’s September. Universities and schools are back in action and those graduating this year will kick start their career hunt. My guess is that they will take this hunt into the online domain of social media interaction. They will seek your company out! Do you have a social media or new media marketing campaign in place, do you have a plan to engage online with the future of your company?
With Gen Y making up 30% of Internet users how can you liven up your marketing plan to keep this audience demographic engaged. Do you utilize your company website to the best of it’s ability? Are you present on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, BraveNewTalent, YouTube? Connecting to them through these channels will give them more of a personal connection and will also give opportunity for customers to recommend your business to their friends. From a candidate perspective how cool would it be to get the opportunity to engage with your HR team or even marketing team through online interactions and conversations? How cool would it for you to understand this audience, engage with them and identify potential hires?
Companies need to gauge entry into a market by investing more time in identifying trend makers/trendsetters among Gen Y as a target group. Gen Y may not only be your future employees, they may be your future customers.
Regarding your presence on social media platforms ask yourself the following:
- Do you have a dedicated team member managing your social media strategy? If so, are they familiar with Gen Y
- Are they social media savvy themselves?
- Are you taking part in dedicated discussions online to engage?
- Is your company branding attractive, consistent-do you stand out amongst your competitors?
- Do you update these platforms on a regular basis?
- Do you have buy in from the business regarding social media?
Take your online campaign offline also. Get out and meet Gen Y. Be a proactive member of the University programmes. Engaging with your future audience will make your business amazing! I am a fan…..are you?
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This post is part of the HP SugarTone contest: “Making your business amazing”, sponsored by Hewlett Packard