Lewis Evans Articles
Lewis is an artist, author, entrepreneur, inventor, marketing communications consultant and business mentor. Fuelled by creativity and driven by a passion to provide innovation, impact and influence, his career has taken in a large variety of disciplines, skills and experience across many areas of industry and the public sector. He has worked with startups, SMEs, multinationals, rock stars, legends of film, the UN, people with AIDS and many more.
All this has made him at times cynical, but more than ever confident that the future is bright if we can only empower ourselves and each of us employ our unique creativity to help achieve this.
Through his service - www.CreativeCOGS.ca - Lewis offers a powerful four-step programme and a range of marketing communications services aimed at improvement, transformation, increased efficiency and profitability. He also runs creativity courses and courses in currency trading (www.leftbraintrading.com). His most recent venture (www.scribbleo.com) is concerned with making complex and long-winded information on websites fun and quick to understand and act upon.
His first novel, Hominine - it's time to choose (http://www.hominine.info) is a powerful geopolitical thriller that fictionalized popular global concerns - and then provides answers!