You’re staring at Google Analytics, wondering why your Referral Traffic from Twitter is so low, aren’t you. You’re stuck, you’ve tried tweeting more and less, and still the referral traffic comprises less than one percent of your total sales. First, if you’re looking at Google Analytics to see why Twitter isn’t delivering for you, you’re in luck. Twitter Analytics is where you need to be, and as long as you can process and analyze the data, you’ll be able to apply everything you’re about to read here to your strategy on Twitter.
You’re probably most concerned with the volume of your following. Don’t get me wrong, having a good number of Twitter followers has its
Converting Twitter Followers into Cash.
The goal is pretty obvious, but getting Twitter followers via Ads are expensive and will help with Social Proof, but there are a lot of other ways you can do it besides shelling out thousands to Twitter. We will start from the basics and progress towards the more advanced. This is how to start converting Twitter followers into cash.
#1. Follow Users in Your Niche
Following users in your niche teaches Twitter that you belong in their group. If another person follows any of them, you will automatically be tagged as related to them, therefore appearing in the ‘Suggestions’ panel. This effect will be multiplied as more and more people follow you, and as you follow them right back.
#2. Optimize Your Twitter Bio
Your followers will interact with your profile, and will inevitably read your Twitter bio from their feed. Make sure it sells. Make sure it says who you are. By jolly, make sure it says what you do! Make it interesting enough to entice new followers. Make sure that you use relevant keywords in your bio as well so that you rank on Twitter’s user search. In your bio you can include the city or country where you are from as it may attract local users or tourists who want to learn about the destination.
#3. Tweet Your Location
There are accounts who monitor location mentions in tweets and automatically curates them by retweeting the post. By tweeting your location, individuals or businesses who may want to connect with you may follow you and share your content. Others who love their city may happily retweet your post to their networks, as their networks are comprised of people interested in that location for one reason or another.
By using hashtags, other users who use it as well may see your post. Those with higher engagements rank high on search and may appear on Twitter’s Top Tweets and stay there for a couple of hours, capturing hundreds of thousands of impressions and potentially thousands of likes and retweets. Remember, this will catapult you into the feed of each person that follows whoever retweeted you. This is the essence of the built-in reward system for good Twitter content.
#5. Include Images or Videos
According to BufferApp’s research, tweets with media attachments receive 18% more engagement than those without. As more people are visual, images or videos help a tweet in getting noticed. Remember, the more engagements you have, the more it is visible to other people. Part of this might be the fact that Tweets with pictures attached physically take up a much higher percentage of the users screen space, forcing them to pay a little bit more attention to your content.
#6. Promote Your Twitter Account Everywhere
Apart from Twitter, consider plugging your Twitter handle on your business cards, email signatures, or your website. Think of promoting your Twitter account on your other social media accounts. The more you share it on other places, more people will know that you exist in the “Twitter-verse”, and might as well click the follow button.
#7. Reply or Tweet Bigger Brands
Replying or tweeting to bigger brands may catch their attention and may be generous enough to engage or retweet your post to their followers. If the brand representative happens to like your tweet, they just might engage with you in the form of public tweets, likes, or retweets. Remember, big brands have full-time employees who are stationed on their Twitter handle. They tend to be young people who enjoy industry related humor. Further, responding to us “little people” makes them seem more approachable, so give it a shot. You’ll be surprised who responds positively.
#8. Schedule Your Tweets
You can use third party apps like Buffer or HootSuite when scheduling tweets. Using these apps shows that you want to spread your engagement within the day. It also helps that you tweet during prime times on social media. You can expect more engagement at those times when more people are online. The best part about these apps, is they will show you the statistical best times for you to tweet, and with the paid version they will help you curate content by syncing with up to 15 different feeds!
#9. Tweet Inspirational Quotes
Inspirational or motivational quotes are great for retweets. Case closed. Especially if you put them on a selfie! Honestly, this one is disgustingly easy. You’re pretty much just taking advantage of good-willed human nature at this point. But, all of your competitors are doing it, right?
#10. Embed Tweets on Your Website
Display particularly interesting or popular tweets in a blog post to entice your website visitors to follow you on Twitter. Alternatively, you should add the ‘Follow’ button on your website to make sure your site followers know that you have an active presence on Twitter. Reminder: if the tweet is removed by the original tweeter, you’ll want to remove the embedded Tweet from your website, otherwise it will look ugly. Not to mention the broken link. Not good for your
#11. TwitterChats = Initiate Conversations!
TwitterChats are a surprisingly unknown part of Twitter. Some industries have taken advantage of them, but if your industry hasn’t that is great news for you! Be the leader that you are by starting the first TwitterChat for your niche, and go to TwitterChat websites and schedule it there! Starting or participating in conversations is a great way to engage with other users. Follow those you meet in the chat and they are likely to follow back as well.
#12. Pin Eye-Catching Tweets
Pinning an eye-catching tweet to the top of you stream lets other users see a sneak peak of your Twitter or the main message you are trying to convey. When non-followers check your profile, they will see a part of your soul and if it is interesting enough, you will probably gain one more follower. The pinned Tweet will always stay at the top of your feed, and it can be replaced with a new Tweet at your choosing.
#13. Participate in #FollowFriday
Those who join regularly add new followers and suggest whom to follow next. It is a good hashtag in increasing your follow count. This is a one of those weird moments where people are basically in a real TwitterChat without actually realizing it. Yes, it is basically just a hashtag, but that’s all TwitterChats are anyway. Self-segmenting conversation separated via an agreed upon hashtag.
#14. Post Engaging Content
Posting interesting content is one but posting engaging content is another. Your Twitter feed may be as informative as it can be but without the right people to see it, it may be for your eyes only. Try to integrating Twitter polls as much as possible as it helps drive engagement higher. If your account is public, those who answered your poll will also show, inviting others to engage with it as well. Everyone loves polls, right? Let’s do a poll at the bottom. If you hate polls, just say so. Otherwise we will assume you love them like the rest of us!
Sharing news is one of the most retweeted types of content so consider sharing news that is relevant to your audience. The trick is this: you must break the news! Tag the leaders by their “@username” and it will force them into seeing it and responding. Most likely, they will retweet it! This will rocket-launch your profile into their entire user base and expose you to the cream of the crop!
#16. Integration and Cross Platform
Yes, you should take your Twitter account and handle to as many platforms as possible! Embed the Twitter button on your website and blog. If you make music, include it in your Soundcloud page to promote your Twitter handle. Twitter is the most accessible method to follow someone, or be followed, so by injecting it into every other facet of your presence, both online and offline, it will help you get discovered.
If you are serious about increasing your Twitter followers and watching as the conversions skyrocket, be patient and tweet helpful and fun content! Like I said before, if you hate polls please explain yourself in the comments below. Otherwise, we will have to assume you love them! If you have any other tricks, tips, or advanced strategies or software you can recommend – please share them in the comments below!