Where are the CEO’s and C-Suite Executives? Why are they hiding? Why are they paying lip service to social business and online marketing? If they are so convinced that social media platforms are the correct channels to reach their online customers. If these channels are good enough for their companies sales growth strategy. Why are they not engaging on social, personally?
The Status-Quo
Companies are wrestling with the workings and marketing possibilities of online social platforms. At the behest of the C-Suite executives, CEO, CMO, COO, marketing departments are using Twitter for CRM, Facebook for direct community engagement, LinkedIn to recruit staff, Pinterest to display their products…..
- Over 60% of Fortune 500 Companies now have a Twitter account.
- While only 2.5% of CEO’s are tweeting using an personal or company Twitter account.
Most CEO’s and other C-Suite executives age profile means that they are not comfortable engaging online nor are they convinced, it seams, of the benefits. This would explain why they are they not engaging personally on Twitter or Facebook? If social is good enough for their products and customers, why are they not embracing the medium themselves or more to the point, why should they?
Related: Survey Results, the Case for Change
Brandfog has released a survey titled “2012 CEO, Social Media & Leadership Survey“. It makes for serious consideration for all CEO’s and C-Suite executives. They need to review their personal engagement strategy on social platforms.
The results of the survey show clearly the online community believe companies with socially savvy leadership would benefit in today’s Web 2.0 world.
- The percentage of respondents that believe CEO’s should engage on social media was high at 81%.
- Respondents explained that they were happy to observe a company or brands Twitter account with 50% saying this would influence their decision to recommend the company or purchase goods.
- Respondents believe that companies whose C-Suite executives engage online, benefit from improved brand image.
- The online community also believe that if the CEO engages, this will better communicate the companies values, which further helps to shape it’s reputation. The stats for this question were also high, running at 71%.
Actions for the C-Suite
The results of the survey indicate that changes in behavior will be necessary for high-level executives.
The comprehensive results contained in this poll, should lead to changes in the online behavior of senior management in large corporations. Social business strategy as a model is still developing, collaboration, values, authenticity and sharing are all key pillars to the successful adoption and implementation of the strategy.
In this survey from BRANDfog, we see confirmation that all senior management must reconsider their lack of engagement.
Related: The Holy Grail of Online Engagement (In 15 Steps)
The Outcomes
CEO’s and C-Suite executives need to “walk the walk, as well as talk the talk”. They need to adopt a positive attitude to social as it is clear that their companies will benefit from the social credibility this engagement will bring.
This increased credibility will lead to added brand awareness and sales from the online community, what do you think?
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Image: “brandfog.com“