One of the most popular and long-running programming languages in the world, JavaScript is largely used to build interactive and dynamic web pages. This server- and client-side language is known for being versatile and easy to use and learn.
If you’re attempting to implement JavaScript in your projects without the assistance of experts (, you may encounter some errors that occur relatively frequently with the programming languages. Don’t worry! These common errors are fairly easy to fix if you have the right skills and knowhow.
The Most Common Types of JavaScript Errors
The errors below aren’t the only types of problems that can occur in JavaScript, but they are the ones that developers most frequently encounter. Keep in mind that the fixes are described relatively briefly here, but we’ll go into more detail about how to solve common errors in the next section.
Syntax Errors
Also known as a parsing error, a syntax error is a grammar, spelling, or punctuation error in your code. Although these might seem like simple issues — a misspelled keyword, a missing bracket, and so on — they can wreak havoc on your program, even causing it to halt completely.
Sometimes, you’ll receive an error message when this type of problem occurs, but that’s not always the case. Once you know what the error is, there is a relatively easy fix, but first, you have to find out what, precisely, is causing the issue. If you haven’t received a message informing you about the cause of the problem, you can go to the debugging console and view the error messages. You may have to look at the Source to fully understand what’s going on.
From there, you can fix the error in the editor and reload.
Logical Errors
Logical errors are bugs. Unlike a syntax error, in this case, your code may be perfectly sound — but the program is not recognizing it as logical. First, eliminate the possibility of syntax errors. Once you’ve ruled them out, catching these types of errors entails predicting why your code is behaving the way it is.
Your debugger is also useful for identifying logical errors. Catching them is a much trickier process than resolving them — involving determining how you believe the code should be behaving and comparing it to reality — but once you’ve figured out the problem, you can simply update your code and refresh it.
Runtime Errors
Runtime errors, sometimes known as expectations, prevent your program from running. The interpreter doesn’t recognize or understand some of the code you’ve created, even if the syntax is correct. While this isn’t necessarily a huge problem, it does need to be addressed.
The main way to identify runtime errors is by using try-catch-finally. If you execute the code in try and catch is skipped, there are no errors. However, if an error does occur, try will halt and the catch clause will be executed to handle the exception. This will allow you to figure out the problem and prevent it from interfering with running the program.
Multipurpose Fixes
These fixes are relatively simple and can often address a wide variety of JavaScript problems.
Sometimes, it’s as simple as reloading the page. This is probably something you’ve done countless times when you’re browsing online, and it’s surprising how often something that doesn’t work initially is magically resolved when you restart the program.
Look in the Console
This is located in different places and via different commands depending on your browser and operating system. You can easily look up where to find it depending on your specific circumstances. Once you’ve opened the console, you’ll find a list of errors. If you don’t and you’re experiencing problems, just reload the browser.
Make Sure It’s Not a Browser Issue
Are you sure the issue you’re encountering is a JavaScript issue? It could well be a problem with the browser itself. Try the program in a different browser — for example, if you’re working in Chrome, try Firefox. If the issue is repeated across browsers, you’ll know it’s a programming issue.
See if JavaScript Is Turned on
Make sure JavaScript is enabled in the browser you’re using. This is a problem you might encounter if you’re used to using a different browser.
Take Advantage of Developer Tools
There are plenty of tools available to help JavaScript developers debug their programs. They tend to be browser-specific. Google, for example, offers Chrome DevTools, which includes both troubleshooting advice and an array of tools for fixing issues.
If you’re experiencing issues when getting started with JavaScript, don’t get discouraged. There are plenty of quick fixes for solving common errors, as well as a huge community of support to help you make your program even better.
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