While the world of digital provides endless opportunities for brands to reach their target audience, there’s nothing quite like the unique interaction that takes place in an experiential environment. The eye contact; the buzz of conversation and the instant human connection – these are powerful things that can be forgotten in a world of ever-growing digital innovation.
Over the last ten years, we’ve been providing promotional staff to brands across the UK, Europe and Australia – and we’ve learned a huge amount about how to make the very most of every consumer interaction. Our people have been involved in quite literally millions of face-to-face interactions and engagements – helping consumers to identify meaningfully with brands from across the board, be they globally recognisable products or entrepreneurial start-ups.
While we recruit and train staff, there are certain skills that you’ve either got, or you haven’t – that’s what makes the very best business leaders so easy to build a rapport with. They know the importance of connection.
As a result, we asked our teams of promotional staff for their thoughts on what makes a great interaction – and they came up with some pearls of wisdom that can be used in consumer engagements across the spectrum of your business.
#1. Belief is essential
In the world beyond digital, it’s easy to spot a lack of authenticity – particularly with untrained promotional staff. When Brand Ambassadors don’t believe in the product, it can have a damaging impact on your consumers’ perception of the brand as a whole – so it’s essential to make sure every staff member is personally invested in the success of the campaign.
This applies across consumer interactions across all levels of staffing. After all, if you’re engaging staff to represent you, and the product you’ve worked so hard to create, it’s fundamentally important that they’re able to represent it wholeheartedly on your behalf.
#2. If you don’t know, ask.
There’s nothing worse than ‘winging it’ in front of a consumer – especially when that results in them leaving with incorrect information about the product. It’s always better to admit that you’re not sure, but to tell the consumer that you’ll look into it – showing them you care about giving them the right information tailored for their needs.
This applies in most business situations, consumer-facing or otherwise. It’s fine to not have an immediate answer to something – if you can show that you’ve got the skills and ability to find it out in the most effective way.
#3. Consider every interaction an opportunity
When you’re in the field, you’re always focused on opportunities to get yourself noticed. Every passer-by could be a potential consumer – and as a result, you’re ready to talk to anyone. This sort of attitude is worth taking into every aspect of your life. Everyone you meet has a new perspective, and could provide you with a valuable opportunity for growth – so by taking the time to understand their needs, and making them feel valued, you can make the most of every interaction.
In the digital age, it’s easy to forget the importance of the old-fashioned consumer interaction – but while it may be easier to measure ROI online, the truly meaningful moments your customers will remember happen away from the internet. By using these techniques yourself, and by employing great promotional staff who can echo this across your business, your consumers will feel engaged and amazed at every interaction with your brand – and you’ll succeed in being memorable, both on and off-line.
Images: ”Gardener using his digital tablet to advise a female client who buys flowers/Shutterstock.com“
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