Online education has grown tremendously in popularity over the past decade. The flexibility and convenience of being able to take classes and complete coursework entirely over the internet makes online learning accessible for many people. However, the remote nature of online classes also poses some unique challenges regarding assessment. This is where proctored online exams come into play.
A proctored online exam is one that is supervised or monitored in some way while a student takes it. This helps ensure the integrity of the testing process when instructors cannot physically observe students during an exam. There are a few different approaches to proctoring online exams:
Live Proctoring
With live online proctoring, a student takes their exam while being watched in real-time by a remote proctor. This usually involves the student accessing the exam through a designated testing website that features the student’s webcam and screensharing capabilities. As the student progresses through the exam, a live ProctorEdu proctored software oversees the testing environment, watches the student through their webcam, and monitors their computer screen to ensure there is no prohibited behavior taking place.
The proctor may be an actual person watching remotely or could be automated proctoring software with recording capabilities to detect suspicious behaviors during an online exam. Live proctoring aims to recreate virtually the experience of having a test supervisor present in the physical room as the exam is occurring.
Automated Proctoring
Other forms of proctored online exams rely more heavily on technology to monitor test-taking behavior, removing the human proctor element. Automated proctoring employs software that can perform tasks like:
– Recording audio and video during the exam. This creates a record that professors can review if any testing abnormalities occur. The knowledge that their actions are being recorded can deter cheating among students as well.
– Using machine learning algorithms to detect and flag suspicious behaviors, like students leaving their seat, portions of the exam that take too long to complete, or heads that consistently face away from the computer screen.
– Browser lockdown features that only allow the exam tab/window to stay open on the computer screen, preventing students from accessing prohibited web pages.

– Tracking typing patterns, keystroke rhythms, mouse movements, and other analytics to determine whether a student is behaving as expected during an exam or if an account takeover has occurred.
The exam-taking device must have a working webcam, microphone, and reliable internet connection for automated proctoring programs to work. Students are unable to access prohibited functions and applications due to the software temporarily disabling them during the testing session.
Asynchronous Proctoring
Certain platforms offer asynchronous proctoring for online exams as opposed to watching a student simultaneously. This involves having the students record themselves completing an entire timed exam while following established rules meant to prevent cheating. The video is then uploaded and reviewed later by the instructor, using video forensics tools to analyze the footage for testing misconduct.
Reasonable rules have to be set and adhered to in order for asynchronous online exam proctoring to be effective. Examples may include showing identification to confirm identity, a complete room pan before starting the exam, not leaving the room once the test begins, no sound permitted in the room, a clear work surface with only approved items, and facing the camera at all times. While asynchronous proctoring has the advantage of avoiding coordination with a live proctor’s schedule, the lack of real-time supervision does open more of a window for cheating behaviors.
On-Campus/Testing Center Proctoring
Lastly, some online programs that have regional campus locations will enable students to take proctored exams in-person at those campuses. This offers a supervised testing environment without having to coordinate remote proctoring. However, it does take away the geographic flexibility and convenience that attracts many students to online education in the first place. Testing centers are equipped with security features like ID verification, locker storage for personal belongings, surveillance equipment to deter misconduct, and trained proctors.
Universities also form agreements with external test center partners (commercial chains and local providers) to allow students to find conveniently located proctoring sites. Students must book exam appointments in advance so locations can plan accordingly to provide staff and rooms.
Best Practices for Proctored Online Exams
There are a few best practices both schools and students should follow when utilizing proctored online exams:
– Clearly communicate expectations, rules, technical requirements, and protocols well in advance
– Set unambiguous guidelines surrounding permissible vs prohibited materials and behaviors
– Test technology capabilities for proctoring methods that will be leveraged
– Have contingency procedures in place for technical glitches and disruptions
– Make sure sufficient review processes are established for any recorded exam footage
– Enforce academic honesty policies uniformly
– Train proctors thoroughly on protocols and the use of proctoring platforms
– Schedule exams and book proctoring appointments well in advance
– Avoid potential privacy intrusions when recording testing environments
– Secure student consent and disclose the use of data monitoring/surveillance tools.
By both parties understanding processes and expectations around proctored online exams, this can allow for effective test integrity measures while still harnessing the accessibility and flexibilities of distance education. Automated solutions continue to improve capabilities through advanced technologies like facial recognition, eye movement tracking, and artificial intelligence assessments of behavior. Yet well-trained human proctors can still detect nuances that technology cannot always pick up on. The right combination leads to online proctoring that safeguards exam integrity without overly compromising student experience.