Many college graduates and young people have a very difficult time in getting the job that they want because they lack the experience for the job. Even worse, the company will only hire somebody who does have experience. This process can be very frustrating. Instead of getting upset, the best way is to learn how to conduct an effective job search. In terms of not having enough experience, here is what you can do resolve this situation.
#1. Determine Specifically What You Want To Do
When you need the money you need to take whatever you can get, however this doesn’t mean you have to stop looking for a better job. Determine what your skill sets and talents are and write down your 3 favorite jobs you would like to have.
#2. Volunteer
If nobody will hire you because you lack the experience, your best bet is to do some volunteer work to get some experience. Working for free may not be the best, but a few hours a week can give you some experience which you can put down on your resume. This will increase your chances of getting that job down the road.
#3. Apply To Small Companies
Many large companies get tons of job applicants when a position opens up. This reduces your chances of getting a job because you will lose out to someone who has more experience. The trick is to apply for companies with 1-20 employees. Applying to small companies will give you a better chance and the manager will be more willing to train you.
#4. Network and Be Creative
As always ask your friends and relatives if they know of anyone who would hire someone with your background. You may get lucky and find somebody. It is always important to let as many people as possible know your looking for a job in a particular field. There are also many non- profit agencies that offer career classes which teaches you how to network effectively. A person can also go to their local book store and read a book on how to conduct an effective job search.
#5. Study Your Favorite Companies
If you have 2 to 3 companies in mind, try to learn about their managerial structure. Determine how things work in who is in charge of making the hiring decisions and contact the appropriate people. A person can go on the internet and learn about the companies that they are interested in. If you graduated from college, you could go to your college’s career center and get some valuable information.
#6. Don’t rely on Human Resources
Don’t spend too much time working with HR. Fill out the necessary applications and whatever is required of you and that is all. The best bet is to find out who the manager in charge is in your department you would like to work and try to contact that manager. Focus your job efforts on those supervisors who have the power to hire you instead of relying on Human Resources.
#7. Be Flexible and Look Outward
If you can’t find a job in a particular field, then try to find something that might be similar. Spread out your ”job search net” as wide as possible.There are many opportunities, and exploring careers in Tucson or similar regions could lead to unexpected possibilities.The more companies you can find that uses your skill sets, the better the chances you will find a job. Don’t rely only on a few companies.
#8. Be Persistent And Don’t Give Up
Some job searches can last at least a year depending on the economy and where you live. If your job search last this long, the key is not to give up. Try to determine why your job search is taking so long. The usual answer is that “There are no jobs”. The fact is there may not be many jobs in your field but there are jobs that pay less and don’t take advantage of your background. Taking a less paying job that can give you some experience may be a way to help solve your situation.
#9. Take It One Step At A Time
Take it day by day. Do not worry about what may happen next week or next month. Things change all the time and it is all most impossible to predict what may or may not happen. Do the best you can today and hope for the best. If you have trouble managing your anxiety of being unemployed, then talking to a counselor can be of some help. Remember that people lose their jobs all the time and they are able to find other jobs. Just don’t let your fears and worries get the better of you.
#10. Keep Updating Your Skill Sets
Always get into the habit of updating your skills even during a long job search. Learning how to use a computer or learning how to use the latest software are ways to keep abreast in today’s market. Continuous education in your field of work will also help you. Learning a new skill could be the key to getting that job that you want. Don’t assume that you have Enough skills. There is always something to learn.
Images: ”get the job button and cursor. illustration design over a white background/“
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